Friday, 4 April 2014

Ancillary Text Shown on Radio One Charts (Online)

I thought it would be good to show my ancillary text as the current number one album on Radio One Chart online. It gives my ancillary text a realistic look, as well as representing it as a music product. This was what the outcome was.
Firstly I took a screenshot of the official Radio One chart online, and saved it as a image on power point. I opened up the JPEG in Photoshop, as well as opening up my front cover of my album. I scaled the image down to the same size of the original album that was at the number one spot, and placed it over the top of it. After doing this, the text still stated the original bands name and song. To change this, I chose the correct grey colour and used the paintbrush to go over the top of the text. I then had to find the right blue colour to match the rest of the web page, and also find the right font. The font I thought looked best was Arial Rounded MT Bold. I feel that this was a good way to promote my anicllary text as a music text, as it is displayed on the Radio One music chart.

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